EMFs - How it Could Affect Your Fertility & Overall Health & How to Protect Yourself

EMFs, EMF, Fertility, Infertility, PMS, PMDD, Breast Cancer, Estrogen Dominance, Melatonin

Several decades ago, it was almost impossible to imagine how much technology would develop and take the world by storm. In fact, not too long ago, the technology we’re seeing today was represented as fictional, and now, it’s hard to imagine life without it! The reason behind it is simple - it’s convenient. We literally have access to any and all information and worldwide communication at the click of a button. However, this brings an array of challenges. Thanks to the EMFs that make technology work, we are accumulating waves of radiation. Maybe you’ve already heard about the possible health problems caused by EMF exposure but like most people sometimes you choose to ignore these notions.

I was one of those people but during my healing journey, I discovered how harmful these effects can be. And trust me, as someone who is very sensitive to energy, the EMFs were really doing a number on my health. Since then, I have taken a deep dive into the subject and have been on the hunt to find ways to protect myself, and I’m happy to say that I have found them and I’ll be sharing them with you all today. But first, let’s dive into terminology and how EMFs can lead to health hazards and affect your fertility.

What are EMFs?

EMFs are electromagnetic frequencies. Basically, they are an invisible form of energy or radiation that can be easily absorbed by the human body. It is safe to say that this has forever been a part of life on Earth. For example, the sun and our planet both have their own EMFs, but the radiation became prominent with electricity (as it helps generate this energy) and modern technology. So in essence, we have been leveling up the emission of electromagnetic energy across the globe, and as the levels increase, simultaneously, so do the potential health problems.

In order to approach the problem and to properly protect yourself, you first need to know that the emissions closest to your body, used for the longest amount of time, will be the most harmful. And here are the devices that release the most harmful EMF emissions:

  • Smart Phones

  • Laptops & Tablets

  • 5G Devices

  • Wi-Fi & Bluetooth

  • Radio & Television

  • X-rays & UV lights

  • Power Lines & Smart Meters

Potential Health Risks of long term exposure to EMFs

It is a sensitive subject because I know many of you are currently experiencing some of these problems just as I did back in the day, and that is why you are probably here in the first place. First, it is important to understand the various health issues that can arise. Some of them are short-term effects like headaches, burning sensations, unexplained aches, hurting hands, decreased sperm motility, memory loss, and trouble sleeping. But, others affect our overall health more seriously.

As I previously mentioned, I discovered the effects firsthand. EMFs were causing a lot of my health problems and were preventing my body from healing. Luckily, I was able to find ways to protect myself against these harmful frequencies (shared below!) which has played a significant role in being able to successfully balance my hormones and achieve optimal fertility. 

So let’s get into the science!

Generally, the endocrine system is composed of a network of glands. These glands produce hormones and control many aspects of your body, like your organs, growth, metabolism, reproduction, etc. So when something is affecting the endocrine system, this will result in a hormonal imbalance. Should you be concerned? The answer is, yes! Our hormones are very powerful so when something affects them, we might be facing some serious consequences. Some of the effects are weight changes, having difficulties sleeping, skin problems, thinning hair, hair loss, diabetes, weaker bones, anxiety, depression, bloating, reduced sex drive, headaches, unexplained fatigue, constipation, PMS, PMDD, painful symptomatic periods, infertility, and yes, even cancer. 

I want to take a second to highlight infertility because it has been rapidly impacting more and more women, and men too! Not only do the EMFs impact the hormones which lead to infertility, but these invisible waves also affect ovarian follicle growth. Studies have shown that EMF exposure can lead to a significant decrease in the number of ovarian follicles, which results in a lower egg count and eventually leads to infertility. 

In relation to the above, when the endocrine system and hormones aren’t working properly, this can lead to numerous reproductive issues. You see, all of the endocrine glands that make up the endocrine system work together, hand in hand. And if one of the glands is under-producing or underperforming, this can cause a domino effect on the entire reproductive system. 

Let’s take the hormone melatonin as an example. This study shows that EMFs can alter the production of melatonin, which will have a chain reaction that eventually reaches the reproductive system. You see, decreased levels of melatonin can lead to reduced levels of gonadal sex steroids resulting in reproductive issues. Additionally, lower levels of melatonin can result in an over-accumulation of estrogen, otherwise known as estrogen dominance, which may lead to some of the symptoms previously mentioned: PMS, PMDD, hair loss, bloating, weight gain, anxiety, and even cancer. 

Furthermore, studies have shown that EMF exposure can lead to oxidative stress in cells causing physiopathological changes in the female reproductive system, which can also lead to infertility. Additionally, EMFs have also been shown to affect pregnancy. In this study, women who had high exposure to EMFs were almost three times likely to miscarry. Yikes! And it’s so unfortunate that this is rarely talked about because this information can be life-changing, literally! This could be THE THING that allows you to finally achieve your goal of starting your own family and optimizing your health!

How to protect yourself from EMFs

I get it, living in this modern tech-run world, it’s nearly impossible to distance yourself from all the EMF influences. Unless you're inclined to live off the grid without electricity, you should implement several of these tips to maintain optimal health and enhance your body’s coping ability:

  • Grounding (planting bare feet into the earth is great for neutralizing EMFs)

  • Unplug all electronics in your bedroom before you go to sleep

  • Turn devices on airplane mode when you aren’t using them

  • Unplug your WiFi when not using it (try to use ethernet cord instead of WiFi)

  • Try to keep devices away from your body as much as possible (ladies, please stop putting your phone in your bra!)

And if you feel inclined to take your EMF protection to the next level, a brand that I highly recommend is DefenderShield. A while back, I was searching for the best products that can protect me and my clients from EMFs, and every single time I came across DefenderShield. This brand has also been recommended to me by many professionals in the industry so I am very excited to be partnering with them and sharing these amazing products with you all! The reality is, for most of us, staying away from technology isn’t very practical since so many of us make a living this way, myself included. So finding alternative ways to protect ourselves can be a great solution. If you are looking for quality EMF protection products, I cannot recommend DefenderShield enough. Trust me, you won’t be disappointed! You can check out some of my favorite products below. These products are especially great for those working from home and constantly on their laptop and mobile devices: 

DefenderShield, Defender Shield, EMF Protection, Laptop Radiation Shield, EMF Protection Blanket